Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dental Lifeline Network

I finished a week at my new full-time job as a Content Marketing Coordinator! Feels so surreal that I finally got the job I've been looking for! Is this even real? Is this happening? Thank you, Lord! I am beyond thankful and I pray I don't do anything to mess this up.

Decorating my desk is on my to-do list. I haven't been able to find anything at Target that I wanted, which is weird. Target is typically my go-to store for everything! Walmart is too far and cumbersome via public transportation. So, I only go when my roommate is going.

So far, I've been enjoying getting to know the people at Dental Lifeline Network. It seems that many people have been there for years. That says a lot about a company. It is customary for the newbie to have a meeting with the VP of each department. It's a chance to get to know what they do and also for them to get to know me and my background. I think it's a pretty cool tradition and I hope they keep that up. Granted, being introduced to the whole team in one was a bit much -- that happened on my second day. I still can't tell you what half their names were. I might know what department they work in I did learn something. :)

I love that I get to write, instead of inputting data! My creative brain is doing a happy dance every time I sit down at my computer. I am so blessed!

Thank you to all those who encouraged me and looked at my resume for the umpteenth time.

Another adventure in Denver begins!

First-day outfit! 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Rents Take Over Denver

A couple weeks ago, my parents came to visit me in Denver! Funny, how when you're fresh out of college, you can't wait to get away and live on your own. Now, I look forward to phone calls and visits. Weird, right?

I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving this year and probably won't for Christmas either. Oh well. I spent Thanksgiving with some friends from church and will most likely go down to Colorado Springs for Christmas. New Year's Eve/Day is still up in the air.

Back to the rents. So, they flew in on Thursday before Thanksgiving and my grandparents were able to pick them up. So sweet of them, especially since they live far north and don't drive at night. They dropped my parents off at their hotel and I went to go meet them for dinner after I was finished teaching down at Fusion Academy. Thank goodness this time around I was able to get time off. Last time my mom came to visit, my boss at the time was quite stingy and unwilling to let me take more than a day off while my mom was visiting. Plain wrong.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun! I practically dragged them around the city, haha but they enjoyed it. We went to the History Colorado Museum downtown and then for dinner, Torchy's Tacos. This is one of my favorite taco places, hands down! Some people think it's "hipster." I don't think so, but that's just me.

We also explored 16th St Mall and they got to look around the two retail stores I worked at before getting the new job at Dental Lifeline Network. I actually did my Christmas shopping with them, since they were there. I just asked them what they wanted and I bought it. I should do that more often. Takes the stress out of the whole thing.

They also were able to meet my church family on Sunday morning. I wish they didn't insist on Sunday School as well, but they got to meet more people that way. It was my dad's first time, so he stood up and introduced himself. Everyone was super excited to meet them and I was kind of enjoying seeing everyone getting to know my parents. Maybe now they understand me better. haha Or not.

On our last day, we took a trip to Fusion Academy where I teach ASL. My students weren't there, however, my boss and some coworkers were. Barb was the most excited to meet them. She's been dying to meet them since I started talking about them, especially my mom. I always roll my eyes when I talk about her.

Overall, it was a great time. Who knows how much longer I will be in Denver, but I look forward to the next time I'm back in Connecticut.