Friday, June 25, 2021

Rainy but Awesome Juneteenth 2021

Some Deaf friends and I went to Denver Juneteenth celebration and it was LIIIITT! So many people and such a great time. We ate, laughed, sweated buckets, danced, got wet, ran, strolled through the many vendors selling everything from shirts to housewares. For awhile now, I've been wanting a traditional African print shirt but have yet to find one that is good quality that I like. I had hoped I would find one here but alas, I left without a shirt. However, I did find a pillow! 

The parade was rather long but I learned about some new organizations in Denver/Aurora that would be cool to check out. Quite a few dance troupes were there as well. I enjoyed seeing the fancy cars. There were representatives running for different offices in the Denver metro area riding in them. I didn't recognize their names...

When the Wobble and Cha Cha Slide songs came on, everyone hit the streets even though it was drizzling. I only joined the Wobble one cause it's my favorite. Al tried the Cha Cha slide but didn't know the moves. Damita and I did the Wobble song while the rest watched. 

Overall, it was a fun and long day. We got to catch up with each other. Took Al and Stephanie awhile to meet up with us since they took the light rail. With traffic and roads blocked off, I wasn't surprised. I am glad I still live close enough to ride my bike. This time next year though, I'll be taking the light rail as well unless I feel like driving all the way downtown. That's doubtful. 

So happy that Juneteenth is finally recognized as a Federal holiday. Obviously, there is much work to do to combat systematic racism and brutality not only by cops, but America in general towards us. Another fun festival experience completed! 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Frisco Trip for Cindy's Birthday

Another mountain town I got to check off my list! YAY! I do enjoy exploring the mountains and so happy I got to visit two new places in the span of less than a month! This was one called Frisco, which is next door to a huge ski town called Breckenridge about an hour west of Denver.

A group of 11 Deaf ladies (mostly over 40) went to Frisco to celebrate our dear friend, Cindy. I thoroughly enjoy being around her even though she's old enough to be my mother. She's hilarious and sometimes has nuggets of wisdom that someone my age can learn from. 

We mainly hung out on Main street. Though we did go back to the townhouse some of the ladies rented for the weekend and chatted/relaxed there. Sue, Ody, Brittany, Cindy, me and Donna were having a grand old time picking on each other. Brittany and I were the youngest of the oldies crowd so I think we were picked on the most. 

Side note, Ody and I got the chance to ride in the back of a pickup truck! Super fun! Don't worry, we didn't go on the highway. The ride itself only lasted about 5 minutes each way. 

Sue....there must be something about that name, cause everyone I know named Sue has a ridiculous personality. At one point, she was dragging me from store to store asking me if certain dresses would look good on her. I was straight with her...maybe too blunt lol but she appreciated my honesty. Sue typically wears black for her job so when I asked her what her favorite color was, her response was, "I don't know if I have a favorite color." I know! I was appalled too. She showed me a white sleeveless dress with foxes all over it. She had the nerve to ask me, "What about this one?" Without skipping a beat I signed NO! She cracked up. Deaf are known for being blunt. Since I straddle the hearing and Deaf worlds constantly, I'm not always great at telling people like it is. 

Overall, it was a great time full of good food, fun company and a great friend. Can't wait for my next adventure!