Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Best 4th of July Ever!

 As an African American who recently discovered the difference between Juneteenth and 4th of July, the celebration last weekend doesn't hold the same anticipation it used to. However, I had an amazing time riding an ATV, setting off fireworks, eating some really good pancakes, watermelon and BBQ while hanging out with some amazing people. Made some new friends too! 

The day started with a pancake breakfast supporting the local firemen in Colorado Springs. They also served sausage and scrambled eggs. Being lactose intolerant makes things annoying but I know if I don't have a lot of dairy, I'm okay. My stomach will just be upset for an hour or so. Afterward, we headed to Garden of the Gods and walked around the historic village next to it. The kids played games and we met Abraham Lincoln! 

For dinner, we went to Jimmie's friends house in Monument and ate some delicious BBQ! We played badminton, disc golf, Nerf gun war and archery in their backyard. The kids were so full of energy and for some reason they kept picking me to play with...probably because the adults were busy talking. By adults, I mean the parents. I wasn't really interested in their conversations about pregnancy or remodeling. 

I will admit when Jimmie asked me if I wanted to ride the ATV, I looked at him like he was the Mad Hatter. Eventually, I hopped on and he showed me where the brake and gas was. Instead of petals, it's on the handles. Similar to brakes on a bike. I can drive a car and ride a bike so this shouldn't be terribly difficult, right? I was a little nervous but he was watching me practice around the circular driveway for a few minutes before heading out to the field. After a couple times around, I got the hang of it. However, there was a small shallow pond and I didn't realize the ATV could drive through it so I stopped hard almost causing me to fall. Jimmie encouraged me to go through it so I did....slowly. I still avoided that section even when we started racing each other though. 

The family must of have bought the biggest package of fireworks cause there were so many! Sparklers, mini rockets, colorful smoke bombs, cannons just to name a few that I recognized. I have no idea the names of all of them. Jimmie and I lit a cannon and while it was pretty intimidating, it was really cool seeing the fireworks against the black sky. The kids were so impatient to light the fire works. When we got there around 6, they were already lighting the mini rockets and smoke bombs in the driveway. It was fun lighting those up with the kids. 

Overall, it was a great day to be an American!

Side note: First pic is of Flash the turtle trying to get out of his pen. SMH Always trying to make the great escape! 

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