Sunday, September 18, 2016

Loving Denver Every Minute

Today was extremely eventful for I went to Master's Hands Bible Church this morning, which I've been trying to visit since I moved here. Met Pr. Otto whom some missionaries from Church of the Bible, where I grew up, met my parents who knew of this church. I feel like my life is the way it is because someone became friends with someone else. I wouldn't have been able to stay at the Wulf's house last year if they hadn't moved to CT years ago and befriended my mom. I wouldn't have known about Master's Hands if those missionaries didn't know my parents.

The church was nice, small, but it was great to meet some Deaf people. Everyone was over 50 which seems to be typical of good bible churches here. In Ithaca, I had no worries because it's a college-town. Here is a different story. My new friend from a Christian group I joined last week, Kristin, gave me a few names of churches to try. I don't want a mega-church because I feel lost in the sea of people quite easily and the sense of community isn't really there. Also, many (not all) mega-churches teach watered down Christianity; I just have to be careful.

This afternoon after a 20 minute change of clothes and eat lunch, I hoped on a bus to Coors Field where the Rockies baseball team was playing. Their field is HUGE! I don't think I've been in that big of a stadium before. The closest experience was when going to a Josh Groban concert in Boston. Kristin and I had such a hard time finding the group, the Christian Professionals/Social Denver Christians. It must have been a good half hour of searching before we found them. Part of the issue was that we didn't know them. We had met the leader of the Social Denver Christians last week and some other people, but they didn't come to the game. It was mostly the people from the Christian Professionals group. Regardless, it was a lot of fun getting to know more people and making new friends. Didn't watch a whole lot of the game, but the idea was to have fun and that's what I did! Overall, a great ending to the weekend!

To be honest, there is one flaw to Denver -- actually all cities -- which is the amount of times I have to walk by and hold my breath due to the smoke coming from white or brown cylinder items between their fingers. I get dizzy when I inhale second-hand smoke. Other than that, Denver is awesome! Come visit!

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