Saturday, September 10, 2016

Making New Friends Is the Bomb!

Friends are something that everyone needs. No one likes to be alone. I remember my high school days feeling rejected and as an independent "woman" I strive to go out of my way to meet others that share my values and/or interests. So on Thursday, I decided to go to Deaf Chat at Panera Bread.

With every new venture, nerves creep in but I was also excited because ASL is a language I love and want to continue using personally and professionally. This group was so much fun to get to know. The mix of personalities was just right. In some ways, I felt like a novice because I am not used to putting myself out there. On the other hand, this group made me feel right at home because they weren't signing super fast like my co-workers at Aspen Camp. I want so much to get to that point, but to this group I was the fast signer, which was nice for a change. I was able to teach them some new signs and by conversing with them, I had to teach myself how to sign slowly. I don't know for sure in what capacity I want to use ASL professionally, but this group takes me back to my HOP days as a Director, which I enjoyed immensely signing to my heart's content. This is definitely a group I want to continue growing with and I look forward to getting to know them better and seeing who else joins.

The first few weeks here, I have felt lonely after work simply because my roommate has a social life already with her fiancee and friends. Apart from her, I don't really know anyone in Denver. Though tomorrow, I'm excited to see my friend, Melissa, from Cornell/FCA who lives in Littleton, a town south of Denver. Friends really do make a new place truly feel like home and I'm stoked to continue my journey of making Denver home. Eventually, I plan on joining a soccer team, a gym and a church where I will find more people I can relate to.

My Ithaca friends taught me to be myself and wait for those who want to be my friend to come into my life rather than changing who I am in order to fit in. Some people will like me and others won't. No one should have to be someone else. My motto: Be genuine and others will find your light!

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